Thursday, October 14, 2010

a moment for skin care

I know that none of us can resit the urge to splurge on all the beautifully colored packages of powders and creams, all of which promise to make us look like a supermodel (I know I am with you all especially the glitzy packaged ones) but if you have not invested time in your skin the results will never be what you desire. So let us take a moment of pause from our makeup covered worlds to talk about skin care.

I have been blessed in my life not to have had immense trouble with my skin. I do suffer from extremely dry skin, it is like the Sahara desert in the winter months and I do have occasional acne but other than the latter no real problems. I do think that some of this can be attributed to luck of the draw in the good ol' gene pool and some of it is a strict regiment that I follow. I am pretty loyal to skin care products unlike my fickle ways in makeup. So I have been using the following products for many months now and in some cases decades.

I want to put it out there in the open that every one's skin is different and you will have to, through trial and error, find what works best for your skin.

I think the first rule in skin care is your outward appearance will tell you how well your body is feeling on the inside. A quick, and inexpensive way to help your skin look healthy is to drink water. And now I will step off of my soapbox of good hydration and tell you about the products I am currently using.

Day Routine

1. Rinse face off in the shower - I am not a supporter of over washing your face. You will end up stripping your face of all of the good oils as well as the yucky bacteria and old makeup.

2. Apply a serum- I am currently using Philosophy's Miracle Worker miraculous anti-aging concentrate.

3. Apply eye cream- I am on the hunt currently as my last eye cream has started to irritate my eyes.

4. Apply a good moisturizer- I am currently using Philosophy's Miracle Worker miraculous anti-aging moisturizer

Night Routine
1. Cleanse Face using clarisonic and Cetaphil Cleanser- The clarisonic has revolutionized my routine and I have been using Cetaphil forever and still think it is the best cleanser on the market. It is so gentle and does not dry out your skin, which is very important to me considering that I have not an ounce of moisture to lose.

2. Apply MD skincare Alpha Beta Daily facial peel steps 1 and 2- Love this product. It keeps acne at bay and leaves skin with and even texture and glow.

Another product that I swear by and have been using since high school is Clearasil's vanishing acne treatment cream. I use this as a spot treatment whenever I feel a pimple coming on.

This has been a very long ramble but hey your skin is the largest organ on your body; you should be taking care of it! If you have any questions or want more of an in depth review on the products listed please just leave me a comment!


  1. ok, i am totally convicted/inspired. i will buy some cetaphil the next time i'm at the store. my current skin care routine consists of nighttime washing the make up off my face wiht hand soap (whatever we have by the sink) and if it is so dry it itches i use a body lotion.


  2. I hope you like the cetaphil! I really like it and actually find that in the winter when my skin is itchy all over it makes a great shaving cream!

  3. Thanks for making the Clarisonic a part of your nightly routine. Clarisonic and Cetaphil is a great combination! Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Cleansing!
